For my money (and time) THE Best pool cleaners you drive with your phone are still the Maytronics Dolphin ™ Oasis Z5i and Triton PS PLUS with PowerStream (PS) and Bluetooth (make sure it is the PLUS). Both these Dolphin™ models have a Bluetooth remote, i.e., your phone. And they are conveniently available on You can use the links above to see the many reviews on and/or if you decide to buy.

There’s no need to list “5 Reasons Why the Oasis Z5i & Triton PS Plus are THE BEST Robotic Pool Cleaners“. Only ONE reason should suffice to convince you, as it did me, — you can use your cell phone as your remote! Your wife can use her phone. Your kids can use their phone! You just can’t ALL drive it as the same time.
“Where’s that remote?“, is a frustration you’ll never hear again with these Dolphin™ pool cleaners because you (or your spouse and/or your kids) will always have your phone with you. Instead, you might find yourselves fighting over who gets to clean the pool ;-o) .
True, there are cheaper robotic pool cleaners that will likewise clean your pool in automatic mode. Most come with a remote so you can drive it in manual mode. But ALL leave some debris behind. The beauty of these two Bluetooth models is in having a manual mode to get those debris that uses your phone as the remote via the MyDolphin™ app from Maytronics.
Alternatively, you can quickly & conveniently spot-clean your pool in manual mode in a hurry if, for example, unexpected guests are about to arrive. I couldn’t do that with my old pool cleaner.
It easily picked up large sycamore tree leaves in its huge basket while also collecting excess diatomaceous earth (DE) particles that got into my pool. The video above even show success picking up multiple bite-sized chocolate bars to simulate and predict success in a more serious situation ;-o) .
Tired of Changing Your Pool Filter?
What’s more, I didn’t have to change my DE (diatomaceous earth) filter material ONCE all season when I used the Triton to open my pool!!! After a long winter I was able to get the pool really clean with the Triton BEFORE turning on the pool pump for the first time that season. That saved my DE from all that yuck. I couldn’t do that with my old pool cleaner either! And the Triton PLUS kept the pool really clean with relative ease all season long, despite having lots of trees, garden beds and other debris all around the pool. Your results might vary.
Why Robotic Pool Cleaners?

Keeping my pool clean was such a chore, especially after 10 years of ownership. It was getting really old using older technologies and I wanted to move to a house without no pool. But, now it’s really a breeze now with the Triton PS Plus. I just carry the Dolphin™ out every week or after a storm or before having company over to get the pool really clean automatically in just a couple of hours with very little energy. I just need to sweep debris off the steps and into the pool before firing up the Dolphin. Any missed bits of debris can be usually be cleaned by running it again in automatic mode or in manual mode in a few minutes as I drive it using my iPhone.
It does in 2 hours with many times less electricity what it used to take my old pool cleaner all day to do and with a lot more work on my part.
The MyDolphin™ App

The MyDolphin™ App doesn’t have great ratings on the app store. But it works great for me now. I bought my Triton PLUS in August of 2017 and had problems with the app. But, I contacted Maytronics who promptly sent me a new power supply, gratis of course, and I got to keep the original one. That fixed the problem with little hassle. By now, I expect resellers have updated units in stock, especially if you buy it from a company like Amazon.
Another HUGE Benefit — Service

One of the other HUGE benefits of these two Bluetooth models is that MyDolphin™ app setup also allows diagnostic data to be upload to Maytronics over the internet for troubleshooting and generating a tech support email, i.e., they should be able to diagnose what part is causing a problem and send it to you without having to take the unit in to a shop. That’s one of the reasons my technical issue was fixed with little hassle.
It’s key to have a decent wireless signal to your pool area. I can walk 3/4 of the way down the length of my pool and still drive it with ease.
You can conveniently use the links below to see all the reviews of the Maytronics Dolphin ™ Oasis Z5i and the Triton PS PLUS, as well as order the right model if you decide to buy. Doing so will help pay for reviews and videos like this one. Again, be SURE to get the “PLUS” version if you go with the Triton, i.e., the Maytronics Dolphin Triton Plus with PowerStream and Bluetooth.

These are the main Pros/Cons about the Dolphin™ Triton PS Plus:
- Use your Phone (iPhone and Android) as a remote via Bluetooth (BT) MyDolphin™ app.
- No firmware updates needed as you would have with a dedicated remote and the MyDolphin™ App is regularly kept updated over the internet.
- Automatically cleans roughly 95% of debris in 2h.
- Quickly and conveniently use manual mode to spot-clean or clean any debris that were missed in regular automatic mode.
- Two alternative manual modes: Touch screen or Tilt feature
- MyDolphin™ app allows diagnostic data from the Dolphin™ to be uploaded over the internet to Maytronics tech support for far more convenient trouble-shooting and repair.
- HUGE, easy-to-clean basket, for leaves and other debris.
- Two included alternative types of filters trap even small DE particles!
- Great with larger debris too, including large sycamore leaves.
- Active Brushing — actually scrubs surfaces — brush operates at ~2x the speed of the robot to actually scrub
- Cleans pool sides AND upper tile
- NOTE: It doesn’t get all of the sides/tiles each 2hr run, but should do so eventually
- Week long timer
- Light weight and drains quickly
- Looks sharp–excellent design
- It’s fun.
- Bluetooth app requires initializing and a descent wireless connection, but well worth it.
- Doesn’t do my steps well–best to brush debris off steps into the main part of the pool first.
- The tangle-free cord sometimes isn’t. …that may be due to the odd shape of my pool messing-up their algorithm.
- Large amounts of my deodar cedar needles can clog the opening to the basket in the spring.

These two Dolphin™ models lead the pack of robotic pool cleaners, in my opinion. The convenience of the Bluetooth connection is a tremendous innovation that I think you will love. Not having to change my DE all season long was HUGE. I would certainly buy one again. Now if I could only get it to clean my car…
Links to Reviews:
– Go here to find reviews of the Dolphin™ Triton PS Plus.
– Go here to find reviews of the Dolphin™ Oasis Z5i. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and
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